Etching Process.

Sehrish Rizvi - Print Maker
2 min readOct 27, 2023


Etching Printmaking.

Etching printmaking is a traditional and intricate printmaking technique that allows artists to create finely detailed and expressive images on various surfaces, most commonly on metal plates.

This process combines artistic skills and creativity with chemical reactions to etch or engrave the image onto the chosen surface.

Stages of the copper plate, Etching Printmaking Process.

Here’s a step-by-step process of how etching printmaking typically works.

Etching Printmaking Process.

Plate Preparation

To start the etching printing process, a metal plate usually copper or zinc is cleaned and polished to create a smooth surface. Secondly, the plate is often coated with an acid-resistant ground; such as Asphaltum or Wax, which will protect the areas that should remain un-etched.

Transferring the Image

After preparing the plate for further processing, the reference image or design is transferred to the desired metal plate for incising and editing.

Drawing or Incising

Various etching tools are used to create the image on the plate by drawing directly onto the ground. The artist incises lines and textures into the plate according to their desire.

Stopping Out Varnish

To control the depth of the etch, we can selectively block areas we want to preserve by applying an acid-resistant stop-out varnish. This can achieve various tones and effects.


Afterwards, you then immerse the incised plate in an acid bath, as a matter of fact, it’s a weak solution of nitric acid. The acid “bites” into the exposed areas of the metal, creating grooves. The longer the plate remains in the acid, the deeper the lines and textures will be to achieve the desired effect.


After achieving the desired level of etching, we clean the plate and apply ink to the surface of the etched plate. The ink sticks to the groves of etched lines and areas.

Wiping the Ink

Wipe the surface of the plate to remove excess ink, leaving ink only in the etched lines and textures. Typically, artists use a net cloth or tarlatan fabric to wipe the plate.


Place the etched-inked plate on a printing press along with dampened paper. The etching press machine of printmaking applies great pressure to press the paper against the plate, transferring the ink from the plate to the paper.

Etching stands as one of the four major intaglio techniques in printmaking, alongside engraving, dry point, and aquatint.



Sehrish Rizvi - Print Maker

Hi there, I'm a contemporary printmaking artist, content writer and a blogger. Website: